Saturday, April 5, 2008

Meatball's New Job

Bites Tale : Went to have "Luk Luk" for the 1st time at lintas last night with my "Makan" gang, it was real fun... we were actually on our way for crab supper but we changed plan when we saw "Luk Luk" lorry. Long time didn't do this crazy thing with my gang...

I've started work already since April Fool's Day.

Lot's of things to do (and don't get me wrong, this is NOT a complaint) and of course, to learn... and i enjoy working with all the wonderful people here.

Meanwhile, look what i saw last night when i was having supper with my Makan gang at Lintas... (umm.. ya, we had our supper No. 1 at a cafe and Luk Luk is our supper No. 2)..

This is what i called "Full Body Relaxing".

Will continue updating the Star Cruise Trip next week.

Pic : I should learn how to stretch my body like him...


maslight said...

congrats on the new on the dog..
anyways, is the "luk luk" halal ka? coz some non halal bah...

i wan luk luk.. XD

there's one at giant kolombong but it wasn't dat great

Greg Wee said...

Greg and I are going on a cruise as well in May. glad to find this at Terri's. now we actually know what we are in for. Thanks

Sweetiepie said...

wow!I enjoy reading your travel post.You seem to have lots of fun during the trip.Emm!I never seen a dog lay down like that :)

sting said...

haha.. that's relaxing alright.. can't wait for more cruise updates.. :-)

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Terri @ A Daily Obsession said...

tt dog is unusual. if it's human, it must be the slouchiest n laziest, just by the look of his posture...congrats on new job :)

meatball online said...

hey mas, the luk luk king serves no pork.

hi greg wee, thanks for dropping by. which star cruise u are joining? i bet u'll enjoy it. will write my blog tonite and upload it tomoro.

sweetie pie, sting... ya... the dog ignore everyone and lie down... funnier if u see it in real.

meatball online said...

bunbungirl, will drop by ur blog and thanks for visiting.

terri, thanks.. ya, u r right, that dog is unusual.. how's everything now? i read about ur kid was sick.. glad that everything is back to normal.. u must rest and take care of urself ya!

amy cynthia said...

hi hi..wah! the dog is REALLY i wish can lie down like dat..kekeke

p/s : i found u leh!!! :D